Distance Learning - Mathematics Foundations course - (code DL-MFC)
The goal of this distance learning course is to introduce and elaborate the most important mathematical concepts, structures and methods that are used and needed in engineering, computational finance and science. The course is also suitable for university graduates who wish to improve their mathematical skills.
Subjects Covered
We discuss the following major categories:
Algebra I Fundamental Algebra
Algebra II Algebraic Systems
Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory
Analysis I Real Analysis Fundamentals
Analysis II Integration and Function Spaces
Elementary Probability
Linear and Nonlinear Data Structures
Fundamentals of Time Series
The details of each category are described below. The approach in this course is to take a step-by-step approach by motivating each topic, first in simple terms in combination with clear examples and then progressing to more advanced concepts and examples. The emphasis is on practical issues rather than only theorem proving. We close each module with a set of exercises that we recommend that the student complete and check with the mentor if they are correct.
Course Benefits
This self-contained course discusses the most important numerical methods are used in real-life applications. The major benefits for the student are:
A full treatment of essential mathematics that are needed in many applications.
Very competitively priced.
Practical, relevant, and up to date. Lifelong access to the online resources.
Extensive exercises and end-of-term project (leading to a certificate).
Interaction with, and feedback from mentor (using email or on the forum).
This is one of the few courses dealing with this range of topics in this way.
WYSIWYG (all topics in this outline are discussed in detail).
Student exercises, project and certificate on successful completion of course.
Course Originator
This course was originated, developed and is supported by Daniel J. Duffy. He has a BA degree in Mathematics as well as MSc and PhD in Numerical Analysis (the numerical solution of partial differential equations). He has many years industrial and business experience and is author of several books on numerical methods, C++ and applications to engineering and computational finance.
Course Contents
Algebra I Fundamental Algebra
The concept of sets
The role of set theory in mathematics
Set properties and operations
Power set; de Morgan’s laws
Set Relations
Binary and equivalence relations
Ordering in sets
Commutative and associative operations
Isomorphisms and permutations
Partial and total ordering
n-ary relations
Ordered pairs and Cartesian products
Reflexive, symmetric and antisymmetric relations
Closure properties
Functions and Mappings
Algebra II Algebraic Systems
Natural Numbers and Integers
Peano postulates
Mathematical induction
Order relations
Properties of Integers
Divisors; primes
Greatest common divisor
Residue classes
Rational and Real Numbers
The Complex Numbers
Operations and properties
Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions
Roots; primitive roots of unity
Rings and Fields
Overview of group theory
Types of groups
Invariant subgroups
Product of subgroups
Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory
Linear Spaces: Overview and Scope
Linear Spaces: Properties
Linear dependence
Bases, components and dimension
Sums and intersections of subspaces
Morphisms of linear spaces
Linear Transformations
Linear forms and linear operators
Rank and nullity
Sums, scalar product, inverse and composition of linear transformations
Invariant subspaces and projections
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Coordinate Transformations
Transformation to a new basis
Consecutive transformations
Transformation of the Matrix of a linear operator
Dual Vector Spaces
Norms and Inner Products
Analysis I Real Analysis Fundamentals
Continuous Functions
Differential Calculus
The derivative of a function
The algebra of derivatives
Chain rule
Extreme values of functions
Fundamental Theorems
Functions of Several Variables
Further Results in Several Variables
Other Topics
Zeno’s paradox
What is a sequence?
Limit of a sequence of real numbers
Bounded, unbounded and monotonic sequences
One-step iterative methods
Tests for Convergence
Integral tests
Comparison test
Uniform convergence
Root and tests
Other Topics
Analysis II Integration and Function Spaces
Fundamentals of Integral Calculus
Concept of area as a set function
Partitions and step functions
Sum and product of step functions
Definition of the integral for a step function
Integral for more general functions
Integrals of more general Functions
Upper and lower integrals
Monotonic and piecewise monotonic functions
Bounded monotonic functions
Integration of polynomials
Relation between Integration and Differentiation
Derivative of an indefinite integral
Second fundamental theorem of calculus
Integration by substitution
Integration by parts
Measure Theory
The Lebesgue Integral
Geometric interpretation of the Lebesgue integral
Lebesgue integral for bounded measurable functions
Relationship of Riemann and Lebesgue integrals
Elementary Probability
An Introduction to Probability, I
An Introduction to Probability, II
Linear and Nonlinear Data Structures
Abstract data types and algorithms
Taxonomy of data structures
Mathematical tools for algorithm analysis
Linear and nonlinear data types
Design strategies
Review of Fundamental Data Structures
Complexity Analysis
Binary Trees
Introduction to Graph Theory
Graph Structure and Algorithms
Graph data structures and operations on graphs
Minimum spanning tree (MST) problems
Depth-first and Breadth-first searches in graphs
Shortest path problems
Connected components
Fundamentals of Time Series
What are time series?
Objectives of time series analysis
Approaches to time series analysis
Examples and application areas
Fundamental Techniques
Time Series Analysis
Time plots
Randomness in data
Stationary ARMA Processes
Moving Average (MA(q)) processes
Autoregressive (AR(p)) processes
ARMA(p,q) processes
Autocovariance function of an ARMA(p,q) process
ARIMA(p,d,q) processes
GARCH Models
We assume that the student has reached a certain level of mathematical sophistication in order to follow and understand this course. For example, some knowledge of integral and differential calculus of one variable is certainly a prerequisite. This is sufficient in order to follow this course. For those students who feel that they do not have the necessary background please do not hesitate to contact me dduffy AT datasim.nl.
Who should attend?
This focused and practical course introduces and discusses in reasonable detail all the major topics in algebra, analysis and their applications to prepare the student for entry program to university Master degree courses, computational finance, engineering and science. In particular, in our opinion the course is suitable for the following groups:
Professionals working in business who wish to refresh their mathematical knowledge or learn new mathematical skills using a hands-on approach.
For university graduates who need to upgrade their mathematical skills for acceptance into MSc and MFE degree programs.
For software developers who wish to learn a number of mathematical methods underlying Computer Science.
Course Form
This is a distance learning course and you can do it in your own time. Ideally, you should strive to finish the course in one year after commencement of the course. You will be given 12 sets of exercises, each exercise being based on one section in the course. As unique feature, we provide C++ code to help you understand the algorithms and numerics even better.
The books provided with this course are:
Discrete Mathematics, S. Lipschutz and M. Lipson Schaum
Modern Algebra, F. Ayres Schaum
Real Variables, M. R. Spiegel Schaum
Duration, price, date, locations and registration
Course duration: |
Distance learning.
You study in your own pace. Under normal circumstances, this should take you between 1 and 1.5 years to complete. |
Dates and location: |
(click on dates to print registration form) |
Date(s) |
Location |
Price |
Language |
Any time
Distance Learning |
See below |
English |
Click here to register.
Course Resources
The optimal way to learn in our opinion is by executing the following steps. This discussion pertains to studying and learning the contents of a single module:
1. Listen to the audio show and use the printed PowerPoint slides as printed backup
2. Read the relevant material in the provided book(s)
3. Do the exercises; compile and run the programs
4. If you are having problems, go back to one of more of steps 1, 2, 3
5. If step 4 has been unsuccessful then post your problem on the Datasim forum
6. Go to next module
Prices and when to start etc.
You can start the course any time and you receive lifelong access to the resources. You decide the pace that is most appropriate for you. The price per student category is (all prices exclude VAT if applicable (no VAT paid if you live outside the EU)):
1. Full-time employee Euro 2435
2. Full-time student at a recognised university Euro 1495
3. Between jobs? contact dduffy AT datasim.nl
4. For groups of employees in a company, contact info AT datasim.nl